Eat, Play, Lust by Tawna Fenske + Giveaway

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Author Spotlight

AuthorTawna Fenske traveled a career path that took her from newspaper reporter to English teacher in Venezuela to marketing geek to PR manager for her city’s tourism bureau. An avid globetrotter and social media fiend, Tawna is the author of the popular blog, Don’t Pet Me, I’m Writing, and a member of Romance Writers of America.

She lives with her gentleman friend in Bend, Oregon, where she’ll invent any excuse to hike, bike, snowshoe, float the river, or sip beer along the Bend Ale Trail. She’s published several romantic comedies with Sourcebooks, including Making Waves and Believe it or Not, as well as the interactive fiction caper, Getting Dumped, with Coliloquy.


Contemporary Romance


CoverCami Pressman is a yoga instructor with a lifelong secret love of junk food. Not even an irresistible man can replace the mouthwatering wickedness of her favorite foods.

Until, that is, Paul Hammond signs up for her class. He’s a gourmet chef looking to score some fitness tips, and a date with Cami. Suddenly Cami’s lust for junk food isn’t the only thing making her tingle.

When this sinful chef and hot yoga teacher eat, play, and lust together, they just might bring their obsession to a new level.

* Tawna will be donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Eat, Play, Lust to the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.



Eat, Play, Lust is a fast, quirky read that is full of sweet romance, a junk food obsession, and Stand-Up Paddle Yoga. Cami and Paul are just a match made in heaven. She likes to eat and he likes to cook! The sensual scenes that involve food in this story are not to be missed! Let’s just say that you may never look at certain food in the same light anymore!

This is a quick read with engaging characters that will have you wishing and hoping for longer story with the two fun characters!


For those of you that say, “Huh?” when you seen Stand-Up Paddle Yoga…me, I would fall into the lake Smile



Bewitching Book Tours

Stopped Cold by Gail Pallotta Blitz + Giveaway


Author Spotlight

GailPallottaAward-winning author Gail Pallotta’s a wife, Mom, swimmer and bargain shopper who loves God, beach sunsets and getting together with friends and family. She’s been a Sunday school teacher, a swim-team coordinator and an after-school literary instructor. A former regional writer of the year for American Christian Writers Association, she won Clash of the Titles in 2010. Her new teen book, Stopped Cold, is a best-seller on All Romance eBooks. She’s published short stories in “Splickety” magazine and Sweet Freedom with a Slice of Peach Cobbler. Some of her published articles appear in anthologies while two are in museums. She recently developed a program for youth fellowship.

Calling Youth Fellowship Leaders: A F. I. S., Fun, Informative, Spiritual Youth Fellowship program based on Stopped Cold is available. For more information visit Gail’s web site at



StoppedCold200x300Things aren’t what they seem in peaceful Mistville, North Carolina. Margaret McWhorter enjoys a laid-back freshman year in high school flirting with Jimmy Willmore, swimming and hanging out with friends—until that day. Her brother, Sean, suffers a stroke from taking a steroid. Now he’s lying unconscious in a hospital. Margaret’s angry at her dad for pushing Sean to be a great quarterback, but a fire of hatred burns inside her to make the criminals pay.

Looking for justice, she takes Jimmy and her best friend, Emily, through a twisted, drug-filled sub-culture. A clue sends them deep into the woods behind the school where they overhear drug dealers discuss Sean.

Time and time again they walk a treacherous path and come face to face with danger. Even the cop on the case can’t stop them from investigating. All the while Margaret really wants to cure Sean, heal the hate inside, and open her heart to love.



I strolled to the other side of the car and got in. “Remember, if we see Joe, we don’t know him.”

“Got it.” Emily got in, backed out, and headed to the restaurant.

“I wasn’t going out, but Mom says Sean would want me to get back to a normal routine.” I choked up.

Driving the speed limit, thirty-five mph, Emily looked straight ahead. “Right now there’s nothing you can do for Sean. Your mom and dad are probably worried about you.

They don’t want you to put your entire life on hold. I think it would help them to see you have fun, even if it’s just a little.” She glanced over at me then right back to the road.

“You should try for their sakes.”

I’d heard bad times brought out true friends. Emily really cared about my family and me. “Okay, but Sean needs me. After all he’s done for me surely there’s something I can do.”

“For sure. As he recovers you can support him.”

If only he would get well.

Emily pulled into the parking lot in front of The Grill and cut the engine. Outside, the brick building appeared as sedate as a house with no one home. We opened the brown wood door into a crowded, busy room, live with chatter and soft rock playing in the background. Some co-eds gathered at tables in the middle of the floor. Others stood around the counter or in front of red booths packed with students.

My mouth gaped. Joe Garrett sat amid the high school crowd. Here already? He fit right in wearing his light blue polo shirt, his hair hanging below his ears. I re-directed my gaze away from him as Emily and I strolled by. A group of kids sitting in the booth behind him got up and left. Emily and I slipped into it.

Ray hurried over and took our orders, a chicken salad sandwich for Emily and a hamburger for me.

He returned with the food at the same time Jimmy Wilmore squeezed past the masses gathered in front of the cashier’s counter. My pulse pounded in my ears as Jimmy walked toward Emily and me. My mind went blank for fear he could see right through me with those piercing blue eyes

of his, even to my innermost thoughts, including how cute I thought he was. I nearly dropped my hamburger, but managed to hold it in mid-air while I looked down at the butcherblock table.

“Hi Margaret, I’m really sorry about Sean. I’m keeping him in my prayers.”

Excitement raced through my body as words failed me. Dare I look into his eyes? I focused on his lips. “Thanks.”

“Hi Jimmy, have a seat.” Emily sounded casual and friendly.

He sat beside me.

My heart thumped so hard I worried he heard it as he put his arm around the back of the seat and touched my shoulders.

“How’d your classes go today? I wanted to talk to you after English, but you got out before I had a chance.”

Thank goodness. Seeing him here was less stressful. I fidgeted with my paper cup then sat it down and tore tiny pieces off the napkin in my lap. “It wasn’t bad. Everyone was so good to me.”

“Well, they better be.” Jimmy’s voice sounded protective. My heart melted. I let my eyes meet his. They looked caring and sincere like those of a friend. I stopped tearing up the leftover napkin.

“So–what happened while I was gone?” I tried to sound laid-back.

“In class, the usual, homework, tests, same old stuff.” Jimmy shifted in his seat and moved his arm.

Had something unusual happened outside of class? Did he know anything about Winstrol V? That would be strange because Mike said he didn’t, and he played football. I wanted information so bad. “What about sports?”

Jimmy leaned back and wrinkled his brow. “Funny you would ask I’ve heard some athletes are taking steroids.”

I stopped breathing.

Emily’s eyes grew wide as she leaned across the table. “Really?”

Jimmy raised his blond eyebrows. “Yeah, a couple guys mentioned it after we played soccer.”

I took in air. My insides raced as if someone turned my nerves on high, but I had to stay calm. I needed answers. I didn’t know Jimmy played soccer. “Are the soccer players taking them?”

“You’re awfully interested. Do you two want to buff up?”

I gagged and couldn’t speak.

Emily gasped. “No. Of course not. We’re just curious, that’s all.”

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea. I overheard the conversation, but I didn’t join it.”

I ripped the rest of the napkin into tiny bits. “Well think. Exactly what did you hear?”


  • e-Book (EITHER PDF, Kindle OR Epub) of Stopped Cold by Gail
  • PDF download of Sweet Freedom with a Slice of Peach Cobbler (anthology) by Gail
  • PDF copy of Healing Grace by Lisa Lickel
  • e-Pub copy of Little Red & The Shoe by Trista Jaszczak
  • PDF copy of Deliver by June Foster
  • PDF copy of The Makeover by Siren Allen
  • PDF copy of Rendezvous with Hymera by Melinda De Ross
  • Smashword Coupon for a copy of Deborah’s Secret by Mildred Colvin
  • PDF copy of The Rebel’s Promise by Jane Godman
  • PDF copy of Rainbow Falls by Janelle Lee


My Family's Heart

Fairies in My Fireplace by R.L. Naquin (Monster Haven #3) Blitz + Giveaway

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Author Spotlight

AuthorRachel’s head is packed with an outrageous amount of useless Disney trivia. She is terrified of thunder, but not of lightning, and tends to recite the Disneyland dedication speech during storms to keep herself calm. She finds it appalling that nobody from Disney has called yet with her castle move-in date.

Originally from Northern California, she has a tendency to move every few years, resulting in a total of seven different states and a six-year stint in England. Currently, she’s planning her next grand adventure. Rachel has one heroic husband, two genius kids, a crazy-cat-lady starter kit, and an imaginary dog named Waffles.

She doesn’t have time for a real dog.


Urban FantasySynopsis

CoverSometimes it’s the monsters who need to be saved…

A migration of mythical creatures has begun, and more and more of them are landing on Zoey Donovan’s doorstep. As the only Aegis left in the country, it falls to her to protect the Hidden and keep them safe—and her house has become a sanctuary for water sprites, goblins, harpies, djinn and more.

Keeping track of her boarders is a full-time job, and Zoey’s already got her hands full trying to run her wedding planning business. Good thing she has a resident closet monster to keep her organized, and a hot Reaper boyfriend to help her relax every once in a while.

But she can’t keep up monster-triage indefinitely, and as more Hidden arrive, it becomes clear that someone—or something—is hunting them. In the midst of planning an event for a notoriously difficult client, Zoey’s got to figure out who’s behind the hunt…and she’s got to stop them before there are no Hidden left.



Chapter One

As I inched across the roof of my house, the harpy nestled against my chimney regarded me with suspicion. I’d have let her stay there, but the mailman could be coming up the street soon. With all the weird things he’d already caught glimpses of on my property, I didn’t think he’d go for some half-assed explanation that she was a Halloween decoration. Especially since it was April.

I drew closer to her, and she pressed herself against the bricks. By human standards, she couldn’t have been more than eighteen or nineteen, though maybe harpies had a different rate of aging. She was all boobs and hair and feathers. And she stank. She also clutched my car keys in her sharp, grimy claws.

I stretched my legs out on either side of the roof peak and sat back, straddling it. The harpy relaxed. I laid my hands on my thighs in as nonthreatening a manner as I could muster. I kept my voice low and casual—as casual as I could while squatting, two stories up, with cedar splinters poking me in the ass.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of here,” I said. “Are you okay?”

She frowned. I truly hoped harpies understood English, since my regular translator, an eight-month-pregnant brownie, was unavailable. The height wasn’t a problem—brownies don’t fall, they float. The climb was the issue. Molly didn’t need the strain. Her tiny body was already burdened enough with the thimble- sized life inside her.

The harpy stretched one filthy wing and shook my car keys. Her perky breasts jiggled. I kept eye contact, afraid to get caught staring. Seriously, though, they were impressive. I never felt I lacked in boobage until that moment, but if I had what she had, I’d head straight to Mardi Gras. They’d run out of beads and beer by the time I left.

An arm I didn’t know she possessed snaked out from under her greasy feathers and scratched a nipple before folding away.

She shrugged. “I’ve been better.” Her voice had a husky sound to it, like she’d been gargling with a handful of sand.

At least we could communicate. That was a good start.

“Anything you want to talk about?” I reached out to her with my empathic gift, opening myself to whatever emotions she might be leaking. Nervous energy pat- tered against my skin, tinged with the dark taste of fear.

She shook her head, and a hank of stringy blond hair dropped across her face. She peered at me, waiting.

I thought I heard a car and glanced out across the yard. No mailman yet. The driveway was clear. “Listen, we need to get you somewhere you can’t be seen, okay? You’re welcome here. Just not, you know, right here.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, thinking, measuring me up through her mat of hair. When she finally spoke, it was a whisper. “I don’t have anyplace else to go.”

I let out a breath. “Oh, honey, as long as I’m here, you have a safe place to be. You just can’t camp out on the roof. We’re protected here, but we still have to stay out of sight, okay? We’ve got trees in the back, if you want to stay in the open. There’s room in the attic if you want to come inside. No one will bother you there.”

The bird-woman shook her hair from her face and looked at me with surprise. “I can come inside?”

“Of course you can.” I smiled to reassure her. “And when you’re ready, maybe you can tell me what’s wrong?”

She nodded. “Maybe.”

I stuck my hand out, palm up. “Unless you were planning on a road trip, I could really use my keys back.”

She shifted from one foot to the other and eased toward me. A shingle knocked loose and slid down the sloping roof, crashing to the porch below.

A voice rose up the side of the house where I’d left the ladder. “Zoey! Is everything okay up there?”

The harpy froze, her face draining of color.

“It’s okay,” I said. “That’s Maurice. He’s a closet monster. You’ll like him. Everybody does.”

She looked doubtful. “You have a closet monster here?” She shuddered.

I suppressed a giggle. Like Maurice was a threat to anybody. “We have all sorts here. Maurice helps take care of everybody. I’m Zoey. What should we call you?”

“Viola. Vi, if you want.”

I grinned. “It’s nice to meet you, Vi. If you’ll hand me the keys, we can get down from here and get you settled.”

Vi scooted closer and dropped the keys in my outstretched hand. “Sorry about that,” she said. “They were so bright and shiny. Sometimes I act without thinking.”

I managed to climb down the ladder without hurting myself, and Maurice was at the bottom waiting.

“Why didn’t you answer me?” He frowned. “I was worried. And how much damage did you do up there? Are we going to have leaks when it rains? I’ve got a lot to do already.”

My lips curled in a tired smile. “Just a couple of shingles. It should be fine.” A shadow flitted above us and another chunk of wood dropped to the ground. “I need to run to the attic and open a window for our latest guest.”

Maurice sighed, his large yellow eyes weary, and his face even more gaunt and pale than usual. “I’ll take care of it. I need you to call Andrew. We’ve got a hellhound with some sort of mange or something. I put it in the garage. You’ve also got a pair of water sprites in your bathroom sink, and a family of gnomes is hiding under the back porch.”

I ran my hand through my hair and groaned. “All that showed up while I was on the roof?”

He nodded. “We’re running out of places to put people, Zoey. This is ridiculous.”


  • 3 copies of one Monster Haven ebook, winner’s choice of one book from the series
  • 1winner of all three Monster Haven ebooks


Other Books in the Monster Haven Series:

Monster in My Closet

Pooka in My Pantry

Bewitching Book Tours

A Little Bit Scandalous by Robyn DeHart (Forbidden Love #3) + Giveaway

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Author Spotlight

AuthorA life-long lover of stories and adventure, it was either become a stuntwoman for the movies or live out those adventures from the safety of her PJ’s and computer. Award-winning author, Robyn DeHart chose the latter and couldn’t be happier for doing so. Known for her unique plotlines and authentic characters, Robyn is a favorite among readers and reviewers.

Publishers’ Weekly claims her books as "sizzling romance" while the Chicago Tribune dubs her "wonderfully entertaining." Robyn is an award-winning author as well as being a four-time RT Bookclub Reviewers’ Choice award nominee, and a three-time RomCon Reader’s Crown nominee.

Look for Robyn’s new trilogy on forbidden love coming from Entangled: A Little Bit Wicked (fall 2012), A Little Bit Sinful (spring 2013) and A Little Bit Scandalous (summer 2013).

Also in 2013, she’ll launch a new historical romantic suspense series with NAL, the first in the series is The Secrets of Mia Danvers (2013).

Robyn lives in Texas with her brainy husband, two precocious little girls and two spoiled cats.


Historical Romance


A gambler in need of redemption

Monroe Grisham, Duke of Chanceworth, is determined to keep his beautiful young ward, Caroline Jellico, out of his life for her own good. Caroline is all grown up now, making it impossible for him to focus on anything but her presence. Hoping to put her out of sight, he leaves it up to his mother to find her a proper husband before he ruins Caroline himself.

A woman in search of a gamble

Mathematics prodigy, Caroline Jellico, is tired of waiting for the illusive Roe to notice she

A complicated game of seduction

When Roe and Caroline meet across the table, all bets are off. But this game takes more than skill, and the winner may take all but still lose everything.



A Little Bit Scandalous is story about the gamble of love and how high the stakes are to win the one you love.  Caroline has been in love with Roe for as long as she can remember, but he does not notice her. When she is caught in disguise he is furious and intrigued at the same time. Roe would have to be a simpleton not to notice and appreciate Caroline’s beauty, but Roe is not worthy of her and the more he can push her away, the better off she will be.

The intensity between Caroline and Roe is just delicious in this story. They are so perfect for each other, but Roe is determined to save Caroline from his scandalous ways. Caroline is up to the challenge and in this game she is playing for keeps.

The seduction, romance, and thrill of the game make this story a must read that will win you over and leave you asking for more!


Caroline checked her cards again, then mentally ran through the ones that would remain in the deck. It was a risk to take another card, but she felt certain her calculations were correct and would result in a win. She eyed the dealer, then inclined her head, indicating she wanted another card. The man’s eyebrows rose, but he dealt her a card nonetheless. A three, precisely the card she needed to bring her total to twenty. She would win this hand. The rest of the table turned their hands over. The dealer chuckled. “You’ve won again, boy,” he said.

She gave a tight smile and accepted the money shoved in her direction. It was a good night, though it seemed the other players were beginning to get annoyed with her. She’d introduced herself with a fake name the first night she’d come, but no one seemed to remember it or her for the first several visits. Then they noticed she was winning, and winning regularly. They simply called her “the boy,” which was fine by her. Maybe if they all heard that enough, they’d believe it and no one would question or even consider she was anything but.

“That’s seven hands in a row, boy,” the man next to her said. He was a tall man with broad hands and long fingers. She thought she remembered people calling him Cabot. He’d been coming to play the last week or so. “Pretty good luck.”

“Perhaps it is more skill than luck,” Caroline said, using the lower voice she had perfected over the last month. She’d heard once that people saw what they wanted to see, or in this case, heard what they wanted to hear. She dressed as a boy, spoke as a boy, and thankfully, no one had suspected otherwise.

The man laughed, a jovial and authentic laugh. “And cocky, too.” Cabot popped Caroline on the back so firmly the motion jarred her teeth. “I like that. Name’s Cabot.”

It wasn’t arrogance, but she wouldn’t correct him. “Grey,” she told him. If all the men here thought her winning streak was luck, then they hadn’t noticed her counting. The prideful part of her wanted them to know, wanted them to be impressed with her skill, but pride had no place in this. She was here to earn funds so she could finally be in charge of her own life, finally be beholden to no one.

Another man joined their table, one she recognized from her other visits to Rodale’s. He was a butler for the Earl of Bromley and he was an incorrigible gossip. She suspected he talked as much as he did to simultaneously entertain himself and distract the other players. Caroline was pleased he’d joined their table instead of one of the other three in the room.

Cabot gestured toward the butler. “Finley, you’re not usually off work on Wednesdays. Did you get sacked?”

Finley smiled and picked up his cards. “I did no such thing. Lord Bromley and his wife have gone to the countryside for the week. His sisters are too occupied vying for the affections of Viscount Hopkins this evening, so I decided to come and see how the likes of you are doing.” His eyes moved around the table as he checked his opponents. “Appears I chose a good night to come.”

“The boy’s showing us up,” Cabot said.

All eyes turned back to her. Caroline shrugged. “I enjoy the game.”

They returned to their hands. After the second round, Finley nodded toward Cabot. “How’s your injury healing?”

Cabot lifted his cane and tapped it against his leg. “The break is all but healed, but the damn bite hasn’t. At least, not quickly enough.” He shook his head. “The doctor says I should be back as new in a couple of months. Can’t travel until the damn wound heals, though.”

“Snakes,” Finley said with a shudder. “That’s what you get for traveling to some god-forsaken country. You ask me, London is dangerous enough as it is.”

“I didn’t ask you,” Cabot said. “Besides, someone has to go out there and find all the treasures that the blokes in the other room like to look at in the museums. Might as well be me.”

Cabot was obviously some sort of explorer or archaeologist. Caroline couldn’t afford to be distracted by their conversation, as interesting as that might be. She kept her eyes on the cards and her mind in the game, keeping careful count with each hand.

“What’s the new gossip?” Erickson asked Finley.

Finley eyed the man, who was at least twice his size, and then shook his head.

“Come on, I know you’ve got something,” Erickson insisted.

“Very well,” Finley said after a long pause. “Lady Abernathy’s youngest daughter eloped with one of their footmen.”

Cabot let out a low whistle. “That will no doubt cause quite the scandal.”

“Yes,” Finley said. “Especially since it was said that the Earl of Burkfield had expressed intentions to court the girl.”

Caroline won another hand, as did two other players since the dealer ended up with only eighteen. She always loved it when Finley showed up and fed them gossip. It worked two-fold for her—kept the other players distracted, but also gave her that improper glimpse into London’s most elite families. She couldn’t help it; she truly loved to hear the gossip from this side of the stairs, as it were. If they only knew how the commoners spoke about them, laughed about them.

They played another hand in silence before Finley spoke again.

“It would seem Mrs. Williams, the housekeeper next door, had an affair with Lord Rochester’s brother,” Finley said. “She’s twice his age.”

The door connecting the main room to the back room opened. Normally, the only people who crossed that doorway were employees of Rodale’s. At the moment, though, another man stood in the room. A hush fell over the floor.

“What the devil is he doing on this side?” Finley asked.

“Looks gentry. Perhaps he’s looking for you,” Cabot said with a chuckle. “Have you been gossiping about him? Who is he?”

Finley ignored Cabot.

The man’s large frame was imposing standing there in his greatcoat, waistcoat, and cravat. Cabot was correct in his assumption. This man was quite obviously a gentleman. From where Caroline sat, she could not clearly make out his face.

“Your Grace,” another dealer said. “I believe you’ve come through the wrong door.”

The man shook his head. “No, I’ve come to play. Where’s the boy?”

His voice carried across the room and seemed to echo in the silence. Caroline knew that voice. Nerves fluttered to life in her belly. Her mouth went dry. She fought the urge to gather her winnings and run out of there. There, standing in the same room as her, was Monroe Grisham, Duke of Chanceworth, and her legal guardian. The man she’d once tried to give her heart to. The man who had turned her down flatly with nothing more than a no.

Ah, the foolish fancying of her youth. Thank goodness she had recovered from that particular folly. Still, she hadn’t seen him since she’d left London nearly six years before. But there he was, the very man who had taught her how to play this game.

The boy. She was the boy.

Damnation! Roe Grisham had come to play her.


  • $25 Amazon or BN Gift Card- winner’s choice


Bewitching Book Tours

The Bottom Line by Shelley Munro (Love and Friendship #1) + Giveaway

The Bottom Line Banner 450 x 169

Author Spotlight

AuthorShelley Munro is tall and curvaceous with blue eyes and a smile that turns masculine heads everywhere she goes. She’s a university tutor and an explorer/treasure hunter during her vacations. Skilled with weapons and combat, she is currently in talks with a producer about a television series based on her world adventures.

Shelley is also a writer blessed with a VERY vivid imagination and lives with her very own hero in New Zealand. She writes mainly erotic romance in the contemporary, paranormal and historical genres for publishers Carina Press, Ellora’s Cave and Samhain Publishing. You can learn more about Shelley and her books at


Erotic Romance


CoverSpicing up her sex life sounds exciting…until the fantasy hits the fan.

Love and Friendship, Book 1
When Maggie Drummond buys an erotic romance novel by mistake, she gets more than an unexpected eyeful. She gets an introduction to a world that arouses her to a fever pitch. Spanking.

Her boyfriend isn’t interested in pushing his vanilla-flavored sexual boundaries. Then there’s Connor Grey, who haunts her fantasies like a magical genie. As a source of masculine advice for her and her female friends, he’s off limits. The only safe place to explore her fetish is her anonymous blog.

The recent changes in Maggie don’t escape Connor’s notice. Now that her boyfriend has dropped her, he can finally—carefully—make his move. Given his family history, laying a hand on any woman, even in fun, is a line he’s reluctant to cross. But for Maggie? Anything the lady wants.

As Maggie gives in to the temptation to let Connor add some sin to her life, she finds herself juggling lies, half-truths, friendship and sensual delights. Her job is in jeopardy—and she’s falling in love. Exploring her fantasy is one thing, but she’s beginning to question if indulging her own pleasure is worth the cost to everyone around her. Especially Connor…

Product Warnings: Contains explicit sex, spanking, and the good, the bad and the ugly about friendship.



The Bottom Line is a sensual and ravishing story about self discovery, taking what you want, and beauty of surrender. Maggie thought that there was something wrong with her. She wants a man to spank her, just the thought of it turns her own and now she wants to experience it in the flesh, and not just in her head. Her boyfriend thinks she is crazy so he leaves her. Then there is Connor.

Connor has wanted to make a move on Maggie for a long time, but she was taken. Now that she is single he would do anything to claim her, even spank her. The intensity between these two is just so hot. Just one look from Connor and the temperature shoots up. Connor has a past that colors his judgment, especially with what Maggie wants him to do, but if spanking her means he gets to be with her, then bring it on!

The arousal, the seduction, the friction, and the heat will consume you in this story. Right from the start this story draws you in, Maggie is such as realistic character. Many women would be reluctant to admit that the thought of spanking or bondage turns them on. Reading it is on thing, but speaking it out loud, well that took courage. I have nothing but respect for her for taking hold of the reigns and making her life what she needs it to be. Connor is sexy, an Alpha male to the core, and a romantic at heart. He makes you insides melt, your thighs clench, and your mouth sigh!

The Bottom Lineread this book and you will fall in love, discover forbidden desire, and be claimed!


An excerpt in which Maggie, our heroine, tells her friends about her interest in spanking.

Secret. Secret. Secret.” Christina banged her palms on the edge of the table. Julia and Susan joined in the beat, their eyes gleaming with challenge in the dim light of the booth.

Maggie picked up her margarita and gulped to moisten her dry mouth. “Okay. Okay.

Placing her glass on a coaster, she glanced around the bar. No doubt about it. People were starting to stare. Time to spill her secret before things turned ugly. After another deep breath, she dropped her gaze to her clasped hands. “I’ve started a website called” She spoke so quickly the words ran together. Once finished, she scanned each of her friends in turn, anxious now for their reactions.

“Big bad ass?” Christina’s watchful eyes held curiosity while her lips curved in an approving smile. She pushed her frameless glasses up her nose with perfectly manicured copper fingernails. “Isn’t that pretty racy for you?”

“What’s the big deal?” Julia scoffed and tossed her head before Maggie could answer. Her blonde hair stirred and settled in sexy curls around her almost bare shoulders. Shoestring straps held her low-cut black top in place. “It’s just a website.”

“Who’s a bad ass?” Susan smirked. “Don’t say Greg has gone and found some balls?”

“Bother, I have a smear.” Christina rifled through her handbag for a tissue to clean her glasses. “Anyway, I want to hear more about this website.”

Questions. Maggie had expected them, but the comments and queries didn’t put her at ease. Her stomach vibrated like one of her younger brother’s toys—over-wound and about to fly apart. She wiped sweaty palms on her sensible navy skirt, swallowed and said, “It’s more of a blog.”

“A blog about what?” Julia asked, rolling her eyes. “Desperados? Bandits? What’s a bad ass?”

Maggie closed her eyes briefly to summon courage. This next part was worse. Her teeth clacked when she closed her mouth. The longer her hesitation, the worse the mental strain would become. Big bad ass, she wasn’t. More like a marshmallow, burnt on the outside with a gooey interior.

“I explore…um…my adventures in spanking,” Maggie said, forcing a smile. “Does anyone want another drink?”

“Spanking,” Susan cried out as the band ended their song and the haunting notes of a sax faded. Everyone in the vicinity heard her shocked shriek. Heads turned, customers surveying them with distinct interest. Two men at a nearby table leered. Their dark suits suggested they worked at the lawyer’s office next door, but their toothy smirks told Maggie their minds crawled in the gutter, armed with floggers and paddles.

“Shush,” she muttered, aware of the two plum-sized patches heating her cheeks. “It’s a secret. I don’t want everyone to know.”

Christina picked up her drink, golden bracelets jingling with musical grace. “Since when were you interested in spanking, Maggie?”

“Yeah,” Julia demanded. “How long has this been going on?”

Susan smirked, her gaze darting from Christina to Julia and back to Maggie. “Does Greg spank you?”

“Um…” Oh, heck. She’d known they’d have lots of questions. Greg was her boyfriend. Solid, dependable and boring. How was she going to tell him? True, she was still a spanking novice, but Maggie was determined not to chicken out. She would explore spanking. It wouldn’t be like the fad diets she tried and failed.

Her spanking interest—or sickness, depending on how a girl looked at it—began with a book and some in-depth soul-searching along with a bottle of wine. She’d hauled her drunken self off to bed and, after reading more of the erotic romance, she’d had the best orgasm ever. Yeah, if she could scale those heights by herself, a real extravaganza lay ahead with a male lover. Right there, she decided to explore her wild side and the naughty spike of pleasure that jolted her right to the core every time she considered a swat on the ass. The fiery heat…

She could see the curiosity filling Susan’s blue eyes, the nosy interest mirrored in Christina and Julia’s faces. “You asked for one secret. I’ve given you one and you have to promise not to tell anyone.” Maggie had no idea where this new bravery had come from. It reminded her of her teenage years, and she liked its return. The inner Maggie cheered, enjoying the nonplussed expressions on her friends’ faces.


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  • Bewitching Book Tours

    Fable by Chanda Hahn (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale #3) Blitz + Giveaway


    Author Spotlight

    ChandaPronunciation: Sh-and-uh   H-ah-n

    Chanda is the  author of the popular YA Unfortunate Fairy Tale Series which includes UnEnchanted and Fairest.  Both books have topped the ebook charts in 5 countries. She also pens YA epic Fantasy.
    She was born in Seattle, Washington, raised in Nebraska, has lived in MN, IL and currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and twin children. She’s a former children’s librarian and children’s pastor. Currently she spends her free time penning new novels and a daytime taxi driver for her kids.


    YA Fantasy


    FableBook 3 in the UnEnchanted Series.

    All that glitters is not gold.

    When something precious is stolen from sixteen-year-old Mina Grime, she will do anything in her power to get it back, even if it means traveling to the dangerous Fae plane and battling one of the strongest fairy-tale villains yet.

    However, nothing can prepare Mina for the dangerous obstacles she will face in the Fae world, or the choices she must make when love and life are on the line.




    Mina stopped and parted the long weeping willow’s branches, and could see the rose resting against Jared’s black boot. Wait…not


    Teague reached down to pick up the rose and brought it to his nose to breathe in its scent. His hair was a lighter shade of brown than Jared’s, and his eyes were a deep blue, while Jared’s were a haunting gray. They both had similar angular jaws and drop-dead gorgeous looks. Teague once again was dressed in black, and Mina had a mind to joke about whether he was going to a funeral, but he was, so the words died on her lips before she even spoke them. Instead, she glared at him and held out her hand, demanding the rose without saying a word.

    Teague’s eyes widened and looked her over, never once dropping his Cheshire Cat smile. “I only came to pay my respects.”

    “What respect? You don’t respect me or my family. Otherwise, your kind never would have cursed us.”

    “You’re wrong—it’s always wise to respect your enemies.”

    “Well, I don’t respect you.”

    “You should, Mina. Do you see what happens when you ignore your duty—when you ignore me?” He pointed to Charlie’s grave, and his voice became threatening. “I don’t like to be ignored, and now you have one less distraction in your life, so you can focus more of your time on me.”

    Teague’s words confirmed her worst fears. Her actions had led Teague to strike out against her family and kill her brother. Her stomach dropped, bile rose in her throat, and every inch of her was sick with the guilt his words layered on her. It was her fault, and she knew it. But she couldn’t show him how weak she was, and how much his words had affected her. She had one more person to protect: her mother, and she would not be negligent again.

    “You’re not welcome here. So please leave.” Mina snatched the rose out of Teague’s hand and felt a sting in her palm. She winced in pain but refused to acknowledge it.

    Teague reached for her hand, and Mina let him open up her palm to inspect her wound from the thorn. She was still reeling, and her whole body shook with anger. Teague leaned forward and blew on the small cut in her palm, and it healed itself. She ripped her hand from his grasp and took two steps away from him, almost falling on the ground. She needed to keep better control of herself.

    She needed Jared.

    “How is my dear brother?” he asked, as if reading her mind.

    “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

    His eyes darkened. “We are not exactly on speaking terms.”

    “It wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you keep trying to kill me, would it?”

    “Now, sweet Mina, our fight goes back long before you were born. But you can’t hold it against me that I’m only doing my job. I’m supposed to throw quests your way, and you are supposed to try to stop me. It’s as simple as that. I can’t help it if we have a casualty or so in the process. That’s what makes the stories so good.” He smirked. “That’s what makes them popular. That’s what makes me powerful.” He was so close to her now that he ran the back of his finger across her cheek, and she flinched and smacked it away.

    “I see that you are as disgusting as ever.”

    “I see that you’re getting your fight back. You know, Mina, out of all the Grimms over the years who died at the hands of my fables, you are by far my favorite to toy with. I wonder why that is?” he asked, appearing to ponder the question.

    “Maybe because you picked the wrong girl to mess with.”

    “I don’t think so. I’ve finally found the perfect Grimm. I think you will be the most challenging. Which means your ending, the tale that finishes you off, will make us both famous.”

    Mina’s lip trembled, and she steeled herself to not show fear. She stood her ground and looked Teague right in the eye. “A thousand sweet words can never disguise the rattle of a viper about to strike. I will not drop my guard ever again. And I will end this curse…by doing whatever…or killing whoever…I have to.”

    Teague’s face turned furious, and his lips pressed into an angry thin line.

    “Then be prepared, my dear Mina, for you won’t be able to ignore this next tale. I’ve made sure of that.” He stepped away from her. A crack of thunder rattled the earth and she jumped, turning in surprise. A second later, pouring rain followed, soaking everyone within minutes. Mina turned back toward Teague, but he was gone.


    • $25 Amazon Gift Card
    • A paperback of any of Chanda’s books – winner’s choice



    Recklessly by A.J. Sand Release Event + Giveaway


    Author Spotlight

    AuthorA.J. Sand grew up an only child whose parents bought her many, many books to keep her busy, so it was only natural that she would start writing her own stories. She is the author of “Documentary,” “Remake” and “Recklessly.” She lives just outside of Washington, D.C.


    NA Contemporary Romance



    Wes Elliott just met his match…and she might actually burn his entire world down.

    Surfing and sex. This is Wes Elliott’s life. And it’s just the way he likes it.   `
    After seeing his parents stay in a loveless marriage his entire life, and burying away a heartbreak from his past, he knows where romance is best left: crappy chick movies. He’d rather lust and eventually leave, and that’s exactly what the plan was when he met Lana Langston.

    Except…turns out she’s only in it for the thrills, too. She’s always only in it for the thrills: life in the literal fast lane on her motorcycle, and the hot nights in forbidden places without the awkward talks in the mornings after. She’s Wes Elliott in way tighter jeans. 
    So, this should be perfect, right? 
    But the more time Wes spends with her, the more he wants the nights to turn into mornings. And maybe even longer. Suddenly, it isn’t so perfect for him anymore.

    And the things he thought were buried are digging themselves up.  

    Now Wes is in a lot of trouble.

    He’s falling in love with the one girl who might be a bigger risk than even a guy who gets barreled by the most dangerous waves in the world is willing to take on.

    Can Wes and Lana figure out a way to make it work? Or is he headed for something far more reckless?




    Lana slid her lip out from between her teeth. She ran her thumb just south of his bellybutton, and the area below where his belt sat warmed beneath the surface of his skin. “Damn. I didn’t realize how late it was…” she said with a frown as she took a glance at her cell. “I guess I’ve been having too good of a time to notice.”

    “Me too.”

    “So…is this where it ends tonight?”

    Wes pecked a soft kiss on her lips, his fingers trailing down the space between her collarbone and cleavage. “You tell me, Lana.”

    “Well, I can’t wait ‘til Tuesday.”

    “I know. Me too.”

    “No,” Lana said, pulling his ear to her lips, “I mean, don’t make me wait ‘til Tuesday.”


    • (1) $20 Gift Card from Amazon or Barnes and Noble + (1) eCopy of Recklessly gifted from Amazon or Barnes and Noble – International
    • (3) eCopies of Recklessly gifted from Amazon or Barnes and Noble – International 



    Something to Prove by Shannyn Schroeder (The O’Learys) Cover Reveal + Giveaway


    Author Spotlight

    shannyn-7-199x300Shannyn is a former English teacher, who now works as a part-time editor while raising her three kids.

    Even though she wrote from high school through college (mostly poetry), she’d never considered a career as an author. Writing fell by the wayside as she focused her energy on creating lesson plans and new and fabulous ways to torment her teen students. One group in particular dubbed her “The Torture Master,” a title she carried into motherhood.

    After the birth of baby number two, Shannyn resigned from teaching and fell in love with reading romance novels. She read so many books so quickly that her husband teased, “If you’re going to read so many damn books, why don’t you just write one?”

    So she did.

    That first book is safely buried on her hard drive, but the process set Shannyn on the path to where she is today—agented with a debut ebook coming out with Kensington in late 2012.

    She is recovering from her Diet Coke addiction, fears putting her foot in her mouth on social media, and has a renewed appreciation for the bad girls of the world.


    Contemporary Romance


    Something To Prove (eBook)Two ambitious people team up to prove themselves to their families—and find there may be more to their partnership than just business…

    Elizabeth Brannigan is determined to show her father she’s capable of running the family business. Saving his struggling Chicago bar seems like the perfect project. But she’ll need a little help dealing with the rough crowd. Who better to assist her than the handsome co-owner of a thriving Irish pub? Of course, with so much work to do, there are bound to be a few late nights…

    Colin O’Leary’s father passed away before he could prove to him that he wasn’t a screw-up. Now he wants to show his brother he’s responsible enough to own a bar of his own—and Elizabeth may be able to help him. But when their professional aspirations clash, tempers—and passions—flare. Are they mature enough to mix business with pleasure—or will they have to choose between the two?



    • Digital Copy of A GOOD TIME by Shannyn Schroeder (O’Leary’s Series)


      Tasty Book Tours 2

      Crazy Beautiful Love by JS Cooper (The Martelli Brothers #1) + Swag Bag Giveaway



      AurthorJ. S. Cooper was born in London, England and moved to Florida her last year of high school. After completing law school at the University of Iowa (from the sunshine to cold) she moved to Los Angeles to work for a Literacy non profit as an Americorp Vista. She then moved to New York to study the History of Education at Columbia University and took a job at a workers rights non profit upon graduation.

      She enjoys long walks on the beach (or short), hot musicians, dogs, reading (duh) and lots of drama filled TV Shows.


      NA Contemporary Romance


      CoverThis is not the typical bad boy meets good girl story.

      Logan Martelli is a bad boy. He’s handsome, sexy, and knows what he wants. He steals cars. He doesn’t do relationships. And he has the hottest green eyes in River Valley.

      Maddie Wright is a good girl with a wild streak. She’s confident, strong, and goes after whatever or whoever she wants. And Maddie wants Logan Martelli with a passion.

      One fateful night brings Logan and Maddie together and electricity sparks between them. Maddie and Logan make a real connection, but when Logan finds out who she is, he wants nothing to do with her. However, he soon realizes he can get the ultimate revenge for his family if he continues to date Maddie. The problem is he’s starting to fall for Maddie, and he knows that a relationship will mess up everything.

      Logan has to decide if revenge is worth losing his one shot at real love. What price will he pay if he betrays the one woman who may finally see behind his bad boy image?



      Crazy Beautiful Love is a whirlwind of the best crazy romance! I absolutely fell in love with Logan and Maddie. Logan is bad boy who really did not want to be bad. His family lives in a shady world. Stealing, conning, and a general life of crime has been all his has know. When he tried to be different the people around would automatically make assumptions about him because of his family, so in the end he just gave in.

      Maddie is a good girl who likes to let loose and be a rebel. When she and Logan cross paths there is an instant attraction. You literally have to fan yourself from the heat that rises between them. When Logan finds out who her family is everything changes. What started out as general interest turns into revenge.

      Can Logan forget his vendetta to have a chance of true love with Maddie?

      This story captured me right from the start. Logan and Maddie are realistic characters that are  not perfect, but flawed, each in different ways. They compliment each other in so many ways. The romance, suspense, and seduction reels you in. I devoured this book in one night and the best part is there is no cliffhanger, no wondering what happens next!

      This blogger is now eagerly awaiting book 2!

      Giveaway Banner


      Want to win some awesome swag from JS Cooper? Comment on this post with your favorite literary “bad” boy/girl or your favorite book boyfriend/girlfriend!


      Don’t Lie To Me by Stacey Lynn Blitz + Giveaway


      Author Spotlight

      profile photo(1)Stacey Lynn lives in the midwest with her husband and four young children. She spends her day taking care of the kids and loving her family. At night she’s curled up with a book and a blanket, or her laptop, writing down all the stories she hears in her head.




      Erotic Romance


      Don't Lie to Me -HiResA standalone erotica/adult romance fiction.

      What do you do when the man you love leaves, and the only man you’ve wanted since is the one you can’t have?

      When Emma’s first love walked away after learning she was pregnant, she was forced to pick up the pieces, re-evaluate her priorities, and change the course of her dreams all for the sake of her son, who became the only one who mattered.

      It also meant taking a job with Jack McMillan; powerful, sexy, controlled, and CEO of McMillan Holdings. Emma has spent the last several years keeping her dreams and fantasies of Jack to herself, but one night, and one encounter, changed everything.

      Once the walls between them are dropped and the truth is laid bare, will Jack and Emma’s new relationship be able to survive? When they are forced to confront their pasts, will they learn to finally put their trust in someone else, or will the lies that are told destroy them both?



      • (5) eBook Copies – Either Kindle or Nook – (International)



      Second Chances by Jo Briggs Blitz + Giveaway


      Author Spotlight

      AuthorAs well as writing, Jo also enjoys reading; her favourite classics include Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion and Jane Eyre having studied English Literature before moving onto Art and Graphic Design. Current genre of choice on her iPad are dark, angsty steamy romances. Particular favourites at the moment are by S.C Stephens, Abbi Glines, R K Lilley, Sylvia Day and Jodi Ellen Malpas. Jo is also a regular visitor to eBook readers anonymous to keep her addiction under control.


      Contemporary Romance


      12_20110405-0374.jpgLayla Keyes is back in England.  Much has changed in the five years since she moved to New York to pursue a modeling career – On the outside she appears independent, self-assured and enjoying running her own successful fashion label.

      On the inside she is determined to take back what she lost five years ago when misunderstandings allowed a jealous third party to manipulate and interfere in destroying her relationship with Evan Carter.

      Evan Carter has spent all that time pretending to not be affected by the loss of Layla from his life.

      A twist of fate brings the two back together as they are forced to share a few days alone.

      Can their love be rekindled despite the secrets they still have to confess to each other?



      Once satisfied that all her belongings were safely in the boot of her car, Layla slammed the heavy, oak front door closed behind her, fully aware that she was also closing the lid on her relationship with Evan Carter.

      She gulped down the rising sensation of guilt she felt at taking the coward’s way out by leaving when the man was still on a business trip. While sharing Evan’s sense of emptiness, Layla was unable to express it in words, but she did know that she could no longer deal with the look of pain on his face when he tried to talk about what happened. Whenever she attempted it, her throat seized up and no sound came out, only an endless stream of tears, which seemed to frustrate him even more.

      Layla had not been especially close to her parents, but the abruptness of their death, followed by the traumatic horse-riding accident that resulted in the loss of her baby, had placed an irreparable strain on her two-year relationship with Evan.

      Settling into the 4×4, she plugged her phone into the hands-free system and set off for Surrey, where her BFF, Keely lived. She was the only person who knew of Layla’s plan to leave Yorkshire and head to New York. Activating the voice-dial on her phone, which connected to her friend’s home number, she heard a familiar voice come over the speaker. “Hello?”

      “Hey, it’s me,” said Layla, unable to conceal her subdued mood. It was becoming more than a regular occurrence and she was fed up of feeling that way. She just hoped a change of scenery would lift her out of her despair.

      “Are you on your way?” Keely asked, her voice sounding tight and restrained.

      “Yes,” said Layla, suspecting her friend of holding back on what she truly wanted to say.

      “Are you really sure you want to do this?”

      Layla sighed. Keely had been trying to persuade her to stay and work through her problems with Evan ever since she’d revealed her plans to leave. Layla recognised it was going to be hard, but she could see no other solution. The stabbing pain from the healing wound, caused by the accident, and the ache of her breaking heart had merged into one.


      • $10 Amazon Gift Card
      • eBook copy of Second Chances

      a Rafflecopter giveaway


      Reading Addiction

      Until Next Time by Justine Dell Promo + Giveaway


      Author Spotlight

      Justine lives in the Midwest, happily catering to her family, which consists of a horse-obsessed teenage daughter, four dogs, and a husband who is to good to be true. She’s never moved from her hometown, but hopes to grow old in a much warmer climate. During the day she works a normal job with college students who try their best to keep her young. They’ve done a good job thus far. At night, said teenage daughter and her horse require mounds of love and attention. The weekends belong solely to her and her writing. That’s when she morphs into a sticky bug, unable to leave the confines of her computer chair.

      She started writing three years ago after seeing a movie that set off a chain reaction she couldn’t have stopped if she’d wanted. It’s not a hobby for her; it’s an obsession. One she loves and one she loves to share. Her debut novel, RECAPTURED DREAMS, and her second book, ALL AMERICAN GIRL, are available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and wherever books are sold.


      Contemporary Romance


      Until Next Time CoverPiper Downing knows a thing or two about death. She’s spent her entire life working inside her family’s funeral home. Now thirty, Piper’s been running the place on her own for what feels like an eternity. Not that she minds. Losing her parents at a young age, watching her teenage boyfriend die before her eyes, and seeing every type of death and tragedy possible in her line of work did something to her psyche. Piper copes with her job—and the world—by putting every emotion in a box and burying it. She doesn’t get close to people, has no friends, and only has relationships with men for sexual satisfaction. She doesn’t love. Love is selfish.

      Macy Quinn Oliver knows a thing or two about death, too. An injury caused him to be honorably discharged as a fighter pilot and now he works as grief counselor at the local VA hospital. He grew up in a family that understands the pain of death, yet embraces what it means. He was taught that death isn’t the end, it is simply… until next time. Even after losing his young bride to brain cancer, Quinn loves. Quinn lives. But because of his vow to his late wife, Quinn will never marry. When he meets Piper at his Grandmother’s wake, her chestnut hair and matching eyes stirs him in a way that hasn’t happened for a long time.

      And Quinn has the same effect on Piper. Together they make the perfect pair; a girl who won’t love and a guy who won’t marry. But in order to get their happy ever after, Piper has to learn that love isn’t an end all, and Quinn must make a commitment he promised to never make again.



      “Listen, Quinn.” Her breath hitched. “I need to be honest with you about something. I like you—”

      “I hoped so.” His face was curious, his eyes still twinkling in the moonlight. “Can I see you again?”

      Her mind raced with the implications of his question. While parts of her were screaming no, a more realistic part screamed yes. “I…uh…yes?”

      The roar of his laugh made her tingle. “Did you answer me with a question?”

      She steadied her breathing. “I’m sorry. Yes. You caught me a little off guard. Before I truly say yes, you need to know that I started this date with the full intention of not going on another one with you.” His brow raised a fraction, but he said nothing. “During the course of the evening, however, that notion got further and further away. I don’t do the whole love and commitment thing. We can date, have a good time and enjoy each other’s company, but I’m afraid that’s all I have to offer. So…” Her arms rose in display at her sides. “If you can handle that, then the answer is yes.”

      He stepped back, his expression mildly stunned. His hand rubbed across his smooth jaw. “So that’s it? If I promise to not love and commit to you, I can date you?”

      When he said it like that, it did sound pretty silly. But it was the truth. Piper didn’t do love. And without love, you couldn’t have commitment—end of story. Her eyes focused on his increasingly captivating ones. “Yes.”

      Quinn’s hand caught hers, and he drew it up to his mouth. His voice was low, sure. “Well, Ms. Downing, I believe I’d like to know more about this rule of yours in the future. But for now, I agree.” His lips touched her skin, lingering longer than necessary.

      The warmth of it lit a little fire in the pit of her stomach. Pricks of pleasure radiated from her hand all the way up her arm. She knew she wouldn’t be able to shake it off, so she didn’t even try.

      That was her first mistake.



      • Swag Pack of Justine Dell books – US
      • The swag pack giveaways ends August 30th



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